Life. What a funny way it has of taking your time and speeding it up in the blink of an eye. While I've always tried to make time to share what's on my mind, lately I've been finding less and less time to figure out how to put my thoughts into words. But for now, with mere minutes before I have to head out in the midst of another crazy weekend, I felt it was necessary to sit and process everything in my life.
I had decided 2011 was going to be the year of accomplishing some of my biggest goals. Of course, every year is a year to tackle something I have never attempted to do before, but I had had enough of feeling like I wasn't getting into some of those more meaningful goals....that needed to change. Instead of focusing on purely writing and focusing solely on those huge goals, I wanted to tackle the simpler tasks.
In January, Matt and I celebrated our anniversary by actually going somewhere out-of-state for an overnight, complete with a day of shopping/sight-seeing, a delicious dinner, and a night in a cozy B&B in New Hope, PA. Taking the time to appreciate those moments that we sometimes take for granted was really nice. Both of our schedules never really allow for going out and doing the normal couples stuff, yet we manage to take the time for those simple moments. This year has brought with it a need to continue down this particular path, taking more pictures and having more adventures that push beyond our normal routine. And getting to do this all with my best friend....priceless.

Then, just when I thought it would never happen, I actually had the chance to go into the city and watch my favorite show Glee being filmed. Completely random trip to the city, but well worth the experience! I took some pretty sweet pictures of the actors and filming, including some close-ups of some of my favorites. The experience alone validates the importance of being able to do what you love in life....and doing a damn good job of it! Those actors work so hard, starting super early in the morning and going until late at night, they are just as much of an inspiration in their work as anyone else who works hard at what they love. It reminds me that it doesn't matter what your calling may be, just as long as that calling means something to you. I'm surrounded by people who pursue their dreams just by doing them and not caring about the outcome. As long as you continue to do what you love, everything will fall into place.
And of course, I can't forget to mention that I've also taken my music project to newer levels and really branched out of my shell with some of my iTunes finds! Granted, the writing it hasn't been very forthcoming, but the experiences of adding different types of music to my playlist has proven fruitful and worthwhile. When one continues to strive learning more about things they love, the outcome can be quite exhilarating and exciting, which brings me back to now.
Here we are, at the beginning of May....and I feel like while there's still so much more for me to accomplish, I know that the rest of this year will give me the opportunity to make more of those goals a reality. And so, as an added treat to show the progress of my music project, I want to share with all of you my current most-listened to songs on my iPod. I'll be able to give a more proper update when time permits, but it's about time I started writing more and focusing on reaching for more of those simple goals that I hope to cross off my ever-growing list.
Jenn's May Playlist:
1) Sailboat - Bonnie Dune (If you haven't heard their check them out!)
2) Never Going Back Again - Fleetwood Mac
3) Bloom - Radiohead
4) Things We Do For Love - 10cc
5) Icky Thump - The White Stripes
6) Tris In Haze - Jupiter Sunrise
7) Rolling In The Deep - Adele
8) Half Life I - Arcade Fire
9) Season of The Witch - Donovan
10) Barbra Streisand - Duck Sauce
~Jenny Rockstar
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