

Sometimes, I tend to forget that while it's important to be helpful and be there for others, spending time on yourself is just as important.

The past few weeks have been nothing short of stressful, with more work than I know what to do with and a wedding to focus on. One good thing that has come out of this is Matt and I trying to spend as much time as possible focusing on the good of our relationship.......

and my need to immerse myself in new music and a new attitude.

So I have made time for me. Made time to clean my house and clear my head of all the "clutter" that's in there. I have made time to put on my headphones and zone out, or plug in my iPod to the surround sound while I clean and dance my way through the day.

I have brewed homemade iced green tea and baked to my heart's content. 

I have found the urge to write poetry again. 

I have just found myself again....as I always do when I need the clarity of life to come my way.

I have cuddled and laughed and shared my endearing sentiments....and in this my heart has felt at peace.

I've even planned a little fun for myself this summer with good friends and a sense of adventure to geek out a little bit at Philadelphia Comic Con.

I have found solace in simplicity....and that in itself is the adventure. Adventures don't need to be grand and lavish, they just need to make you feel like you're learning more about yourself and the kind of person you aspire to be.

And for that, a little mini-playlist of what's been in constant play on my list:

1) Emily Kinney - Just Pretend
2) Passenger - Scare Away The Dark
3) The Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
4) Weezer - Beverly Hills
5) Radiohead - Let Down
6) A Great Big World - Rockstar

~ Jenny Rockstar

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